Monsters and Girls WebToon Absolutely Rocks!

Look at what Monster found – The Monsters and Girls webcomic!

A quick web search for the terms Monster and girl, had the most interesting result, there is a webtoon called Monsters and Girls by Idolomantises!

If we had bothered to research the internet before we created Monster and girl, we would have already found this site. Ooops!

On the other hand, there never was any question what our blog was going to be named, we are “Monster and girl“, that was established long before we ever dreamed of creating a blog about… Well, whatever this blog is about!

When I showed girl the Monsters and Girls site, she was impressed. Her quote was, “That’s cute, adorable, a little creepy, and hilarious all at the same time.”

It’s a bit rare for girl to offer an unqualified endorsement, so that’s a very real recommendation.

Monsters and Girls webcomic – not to be confused with Monster & girl’s website

Monster’s quote would be, “Funny as Hell!”

It’s good stuff. Everybody needs a good laugh from time to time, and anything named “Monsters and Girls” has to be good at being bad!

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